»In the matter of tango it is always very precarius to express an opinion. The risk to claim something fallacious about the tango or to offend living or dead historical persons of the genre is immense. It´s no valid question whether Carlos Gardel is an Argentinian or Uruguayan by birth - in fact it seems natural to assume that by Gotan Project the fourth tango revolution has taken place.«

What is neotango? And if so how many? A polemic to the relation of neotango and Retro Tango »In the matter of tango it is always very precarius to express an opinion. The risk to claim something fallacious about the tango or to offend living or dead historical persons of the genre is immense. It´s no valid question whether Carlos Gardel is an Argentinian or Uruguayan by birth - in fact it seems natural to assume that by Gotan Project the fourth tango revolution has taken place.« Philippe Cohen Solal, Gotan Project The guess that Diego Siegelwachs supposed in his article of 2007 »GOTAN PROJECT and the fourth tango revolution« unmistakable has been proved to be true.(cf. http://www.alolatino.de) »La Revancha del Tango« of Gotan Project in 2001 marks not necessarily historically, but stylistically the birth of the neotango, to a trendy, danceable style mix of the tango with electronic beats and sounds. The neotango has lined up to burst open the congealed musical, dance-like,

social and communicative conventions of the tango of the 80th and 90th. Comparable to the formation of the jazz it melts the tango with impulses of the broad range of the contemporary youth culture, revitalises itself and regains its basic liveliness, power of innovation and improvisation.In this process it meets with disapproval by the exponents of the soi-disant »Tango Argentino « which refers his identity to the classicistic zenith of the Tango Ríoplatense, to the Tango d`Oro of the 40th. As this hegemonic, retrogressive claim demands exclusively all the form vocabulary of the tango - from dance through fashion to music - this position can be labeled as Retro Tango. »The concept denotes a cultural phenomenon which produces pieces of art or cultural achievements in general neither based on contemporary style codes nor as their creative advancements or as original new creations, but by recourse to concepts or styles of past periods.«(cf. http://de.wikipedia.org) The Retro Tango assimilated to a curious position…

Mainstream NeoTango events established an understanding of their music, that extended their genre boundaries far beyond the horizon. Everything is somehow ‘Neo’. This indefinable melange is referred to as »Contemporary Music« and forms the sediment of so called Neo playlists according to the subjective music preference of the DJs and DJanes.

A classification by Volker Marschhausen »When you eat a soup it does not matter from which farmer come the ingredients or where he comes from or how old is him. The main thing is that it ś tasty, for you, eating in that specific time.« Elio Astor TangoDj II, 2019    The dawn of Alternative music Mainstream NeoTango events established an understanding of their music, that extended their genre boundaries far beyond the horizon. Everything is somehow ‘Neo’. This indefinable melange is referred to as »Contemporary Music« and forms the sediment of so called Neo playlists according to the subjective music preference of the DJs and DJanes. The simplified 'Tango scheme’ of the 4/4 metric indicates the only »Tango« charistics of their songs. There are several Facebook groups (Alternative Milonga PlayList, NonTangos for Tangodancers …) where a variety of suggestions regarding their 'milonga suitability’ are widely discussed. According to this method Rossini’s William Tell Overture fits metrically exactly to a milonga,

however there’s no evidence. Coquetry with Tangometrics remains the one single musical link to the Tango dancers. In the same way the much more unwieldy Tango Nuevos, ElectroTangos and Contemporary Tangos have been also gradually marginalized and sacrificed for the sake of a more easily consumable mix. The small reference to Tango has been established by the dancers adaptability and improvisational skills. The musical grocery is thrown before their stilettos in hopes that their skills are sufficient to transform the music into dance. To achieve this, playlists were cleaned from flops and were optimised through trial and error. The result is that the baby has been thrown out with the bath water and exposes the complexity of Tango DNA - the genetic material of Tango - to a taste all over the place. »When you eat a soup it does not matter from which farmer come the ingredients or where he comes from or how old is him. The main…

NeoTango is a complex structure of different moments of a cultural movement. It includes music, dance, visual performance, fashion and codes.

First decade NeoTango is a complex structure of different moments of a cultural movement. It includes music, dance, visual performance, fashion and codes. Although the child had many fathers (and mothers), it is undisputable that »La Revancha del Tango« by Gotan Project in 2001 was the initial impulse of this new Tango period. »Gotan Project has done just that, causing a musical revolution: sweet, sensual, passionate«. Vogue.it Later on sustained period of growth of NeoTango bands followed, whose common feature was the fusion of Tango with contemporary music genres using classical, analog and digital instruments. Orchestras like NarcoTango, Otros Aires, Bajofondo, Tanghetto - to name but a few of the best known - generated such a suction effect in the Tango scene, as well as in the music industry overall, that soon many copycats jumped on the bandwagon with musical fast-food productions. These synthetic, hastily cobbled, low-budget productions played an essential role in discrediting NeoTango as »ElectroTango«. Well visited live

performances demonstrated the creative potential of popular NeoTango bands and their rapidly increasing number of CD productions set the standard in the first decade. Their sheer bulk surged with great force against the crusted, traditionalist Tango scene and broke small NeoTango enclaves out of their phalanx of Salon-Milongas. They sustainably changed the musical taste and the hearing sensation of their concert goers and inspired Tango dancers to establish the first Neolongas  (a portmanteau of NeoTango and Milonga) from 2006. Neotango dance floors combined  New Tango songs with the dancing repertoire of the pioneers of Tango Nuevo (Veron, Chicho, Naveira, Salas, Ladas). Their CITA 2000 festival in Buenos Aires played a key role in the Tango renewal process and extensively influenced several generations of dancers, such as DIN in Buenos Aires. Their international workshops and tours spread the typical dancing style of the Open Embrace with Saccadas, Colgadas, Voltadas and Ganchos and changed the international Tango scene very intensively and profoundly.…

„NonTango“ is optionally every contemporary music genre. The spectrum ranges from Folk, Country, Latin, House, TripHop, HipHop, Klezmer, Flamenco, Fado, Soundtracks, Arabian and Balkans beats, Blues, Rock, Soul up to Classic period. Because of its broad musical spectrum it´s also called „Fusion“ or „Crossover“. Due to a lack of substantive reference to Tango music, the NonTango concept should subtly suggest the opposite on a syntactic level. It is extremely misleading however and a typical example of the rhetorical figure Oxymoron (in Greek ὀξύμωρος, from oxys „sharp, keen" and μωρός mōros „dull, stupid" that juxtaposes elements that appear to be contradictory.

Musical groceries store or The uneasiness about »NonTango« from the perspective of NeoTango by tanguerilla „The Tango grows with the talents of those which will come and already are here – with the newest styles, originated at the place where these were always invented – the society.“  Osvaldo Pugliese What is NonTango? „NonTango“ is optionally every contemporary music genre. The spectrum ranges from Folk, Country, Latin, House, TripHop, HipHop, Klezmer, Flamenco, Fado, Soundtracks, Arabian and Balkans beats, Blues, Rock, Soul up to Classic period. Because of its broad musical spectrum it´s also called „Fusion“ or „Crossover“. Due to a lack of substantive reference to Tango music, the NonTango concept should subtly suggest the opposite on a syntactic level. It is extremely misleading however and a typical example of the rhetorical figure Oxymoron (in Greek ὀξύμωρος, from oxys „sharp, keen" and μωρός mōros „dull, stupid" that juxtaposes elements that appear to be contradictory. NonTango in Fusion events For such dancing events tracks

will be compiled to play lists according to the subjective music preference of the DJs and DJanes and squeezed into a simplified 4/4 metrical Tango pattern. There are many Facebook groups (Alternative Milonga PlayList, NonTangos for Tangodancers …) which are mainly used to discuss musical proposals with regard to their „Milonga suitability“. From this perspective Rossini´s Wilhem Tell Ouverture perfectly fits the metrical pattern of a Milonga - but in fact it isn´t by no means. But coquetry with Tango metrics remains the only musical connecting link to Tango. Nevertheless, the real reference to Tango exclusively is created through the adaptive and improvisational skills (or also not) of the dancers. The musical groceries store is thrown to their Stilettos that they must pick up, in hope that their abilities are sufficient to perform the music mix. That way they try cleaning out flops and optimise the play list based largely on trial and error. That procedure is chiefly used by…